
Endnote format for american journal of ophthalmology
Endnote format for american journal of ophthalmology

endnote format for american journal of ophthalmology

The study must adhere to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research, and a statement that this was done must be included.If the research involves experimental animals, authors must adhere to the following and include appropriate statements in the Materials and Methods section. The tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki must be followed where applicable, and a statement that this was done must be included.The JJO Editorial Board may request evidence for IRB/Ethics Committee approval (or waiver of such approval) at any time during the submission process, and therefore authors should retain written evidence of such. The study must be filed with the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethics Committee, and a statement explaining either that IRB/Ethics Committee approval has been obtained, or that the IRB/Ethics Committee has ruled that approval was not required for the study must be included.Informed consent must be obtained from each patient after full explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study and a statement explaining that informed consent was obtained must be included.When a study involves human subjects and/or human-derived materials, authors must adhere to the following and include appropriate statements in the Patients and Methods (or Materials and Methods) section. (2) Institutional review board (IRB)/ethics committee approval for human studies separately and acknowledged separately in the Acknowledgment section (see “Acknowledgements”). JSPS KAKENHI) should be denoted in the Fund Ref. If a submitted manuscript is accepted, all information on the conflict of interest disclosure forms will be made public at the time of publication, with the exception of information that the JJO Editorial Board deems irrelevant to the submitted work. The corresponding author is responsible for collecting the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form file from each author, and uploading them at the time of online manuscript submission. All authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research, or the preparation and writing of their manuscript, using the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form downloadable as a PDF file from.

Endnote format for american journal of ophthalmology